The YWHO Model

YWHO is dedicated to helping young people find the right services, at the right time, in the right place.

YWHO is here to help

For too long, the different services that young people aged 12-25 need have been disconnected and hard to navigate, neglecting important aspects of their mental health and wellness.

Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO) is an Integrated Youth Services (IYS) initiative designed to address these service gaps, by offering free, walk-in access in one place with no referrals required

Hubs have a “no wrong door” policy, with a team committed to helping the youth to get the help they need, either with services on-site or knowing how to access them through partners in the community

YWHO supports local service providers to work together in a new way, providing a full range of integrated services, including mental health and substance use supports, primary care, education, employment, housing and other social services in one youth-friendly space.

Increasing access to rapid, low-barrier services

Providing tailored, high-quality programs co-developed with youth to meet their needs

Reducing transitions by providing care in one location

For youth relying on their local Youth Wellness Hub, the circle of care extends beyond the service providers and plays a critical role in their journey. Individuals supporting youth is unique to each case, and can include anyone from families, caregivers, guardians, friends, partners, loved ones, support networks, and others. YWHO staff ensure they feel acknowledged and accepted, understand the role they play in a young person’s life, and are appropriately involved in any next steps in the process.

A Local Hub

YWHO Hubs are locally led to reflect the communities they serve. Collaborative partnership teams, Youth and Family advisories and staff ensure that local culture, community and perspectives are reflected in all aspects of service and programming.